Abstract & Discussion Session Proposal, Travel Support Application Deadline
23 August 2024
Early Bird Registration Deadline
10-14 November 2024
SOLAS Open Science Conference.
00 August 2024
Early bird registration Deadline
00 September 2024
Late registration Deadline
The Surface Ocean–Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) is an international and
interdisciplinary research project on biogeochemical-physical air-sea interactions and
climate change.
With its Open Science Conference (OSC), the only regularly occurring event that
brings together the oceanographic and atmospheric communities, SOLAS Open
Science Conference (OSC) offers the ideal programme for scientists who wish to
learn and exchange about cutting edge research in the field and present their own
findings. A special event dedicated to Early Career Scientists is being organised.
To keep being up to date with SOLAS and the organisation of the conference,
subscribe to our mailing list.
Our Core Themes
The Conference focuses on these main themes to deliberate and discuss the road ahead.
Core Theme 1:
Greenhouse gases and the oceans
Core Theme 2:
Air-sea interface and fluxes of mass and energy
Core Theme 3:
Atmospheric deposition and ocean biogeochemistry
Core Theme 4:
Interconnections between marine ecosystems, aerosols, and clouds
Core Theme 5:
Ocean biogeochemical control on atmospheric chemistry
The only regularly occurring event that brings together the oceanographic and atmospheric communities;
Involve four days of plenary talks, poster sessions, and discussion sessions;
Include a one-day early career scientist event;
Hosted by CSIR-National Institute of Oceanography, Goa, a premier R&D institute and an important part of the Indian oceanographic and atmospheric research network covering the entire seas around India.
Participants may submit a text/poster abstract and express their wish to be considered to give a talk