As a participant, you can submit a poster abstract and express your wish to be considered to give a
talk (15 min presentation + 5 min questions) in one of the plenary sessions (session descriptions
available on the Plenary Session page):
Theme 1: Greenhouse gases and the oceans
Theme 2: Air-sea interface and fluxes of mass and energy
Theme 3: Atmospheric deposition and ocean biogeochemistry
Theme 4: Interconnections between marine ecosystems, aerosols, and clouds
Theme 5: Ocean biogeochemical control on atmospheric chemistry
Integrated Topic: Upwelling systems
Integrated Topic: Polar ocean and sea ice
Integrated Topic: Indian Ocean
Cross-cutting Theme: SOLAS Science and Society
Cross-cutting Theme: Climate Intervention
Theme 1:
Greenhouse gases and the oceans
Theme 2:
Air-sea interface and fluxes of mass and energy
Theme 3:
Atmospheric deposition and ocean biogeochemistry
Theme 4:
Interconnections between marine ecosystems, aerosols, and clouds
Theme 5:
Ocean biogeochemical control on atmospheric chemistry
Integrated Topic:
Upwelling systems
Integrated Topic:
Polar ocean and sea ice
Integrated Topic:
Indian Ocean
Cross-cutting Theme:
SOLAS Science and Society
Cross-cutting Theme:
Climate Intervention
Core theme 1
Greenhouse gases and the oceans
Core theme 2
Air-sea interface and fluxes of mass and energy
Core theme 3
Atmospheric deposition and ocean biogeochemistry
Core theme 4
Interconnections between marine ecosystems, aerosols, and clouds
Core theme 5
Ocean biogeochemical control on atmospheric chemistry
Special sessions
Integrated topic 01:
Upwelling systems
Integrated topic 02:
Polar ocean and sea ice
Integrated topic 03:
Indian Ocean
Cross-cutting theme 01:
SOLAS science and society
Cross-cutting theme 02:
Climate intervention
To submit your abstract, you need to be registered on the conference website and complete the
online abstract submission form. In the submission form you will be asked:
To indicate to which of the plenary session your abstract is most relevant
To select if you wish to be considered for a talk
Discussion session proposal submission
To submit your proposal, you will be required to download the discussion session
proposal form here and include the following information:
A session title
A list of the confirmed convener, co-convener (where relevant) and rapporteur including their email addresses and affiliations
Main abstract text is restricted to a maximum of 150 words (no figures or tables) and should detail the background and motivation of the proposed sessions
The intended outcome of the discussion session
Please note: these sessions are not intended as an arena for formal presentations